
There are multiple options for traveling to, from, and around Norefjell. We have our own buses that operate from Oslo and Gardemoen.


Norefjellekspressen is a bus that operates between Oslo and Norefjell during holiday periods and weekends throughout the winter season. The bus service starts in December and is available on weekends and during holiday periods throughout the season.

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Airport Shuttle

A bus that transfer guests directly between Oslo Airport, Sokna and Geilo. There is a separate shuttle bus that transfer Norefjell's guests between Sokna and Norefjell. The bus only operates during the winter season and you have to book within Thursday during the week of departure. 

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Week 51-52, 1-5 and 10-13:

From Geilo Friday Sunday
Vestlia 06.30 06.30
Geilo 06.40 06.40
Norefjell  08.05 08.05
Sokna 08.50 08.50
Oslo Airport 10.30 10.30
From Oslo Airport Friday Sunday
Gardemoen 13.30 13.30
Sokna 15.00 15.00
Norefjell 15.45 15.45
Geilo 17.20 17.20
Vestlia 17.30 17.30


Week 6-9 and 14-15:

From Geilo Friday Saturday Sunday
Vestlia 06.30 11.00 06.30 06.30 11.00
Geilo 06.40 11.10 06.40 06.40 11.10
Norefjell  08.05 12.35 08.05 08.05 12.35
Sokna 08.50 13.20 08.50 08.50 13.20
Oslo Airport 10.30 15.00 10.30 10.30 15.00
From Oslo Airport Friday Saturday Sunday
Gardemoen 13.30 17.15 13.30 13.30 17.15
Sokna 15.00 18.45 15.00 15.00 18.45
Norefjell 15.45 19.30 15.45 15.45 19.30
Geilo 17.20 21.05 17.20 17.20 21.05
Vestlia 17.30 21.15 17.30 17.30 21.15

Subject to changes.