Opening hours
This page provides an overview of our opening hours, updated regularly. Stay informed about the opening hours for Norefjell Ski Resort, our ski shops and ski rentals at Skistua and Norefjell Ski & Spa, our restaurant at Skistua and more.
Norefjell Ski Resort
Opening hours
Every day 9.30-15.20 (9.30-16.20 from February 1st)
Night skiing (from January 3rd)
Wednesday 17-20 (Nedre Bøseterheis L and Bøseterheisen J)
Thursday 17-20 (Olaheisen K)
Friday 17-21 (Nedre Bøseterheis L and Bøseterheisen J)
Ski shop and ski rental
Opening hours
Skistua and Norefjell Ski & Spa every day 9-16 (9-17 from February 1st)
Opening hours
Sunday-friday 9-16 (9-17 from February 1st)
Saturday 9-18
Opening hours
Every day 9.30-15.20 (9.30-16.20 from February 1st)
Norefjell Ski & Spa
See all of the opening hours for Norefjell Ski & Spa here